photographers in lebanon
photographers in lebanon

my name is
Jean-Pierre Tarabay

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In 1976, within the historic town of Byblos, Lebanon, Jean Pierre Tarabay came into the world. His journey took him to the University of Holy Spirit Kaslik, where in 1999, he graduated with honors in photography. Immersed in the realm of imagination, his passion for photography ignited.
Over time, he showcased his work through numerous solo and group exhibitions, both locally and internationally. He imparts his wisdom at various universities across Lebanon, enriching minds with his experiences.
Jean Pierre Tarabay's photographic expertise spans a wide spectrum, encompassing fashion, advertising, documentary, portraits, nature, architecture, jewelry, industrial, and more. Merging technical prowess with artistic flair, he seamlessly melds his business acumen with photography. His clientele includes private individuals, esteemed agencies, and renowned magazines.
Putting client needs at the forefront, his approach balances professionalism with approachability, ensuring projects are delivered promptly and exceptionally. Amid his busy schedule, he nurtures his passion by cultivating fresh artistic photography concepts. Each day brings the excitement of embracing novel and captivating challenges.

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